How to Truncate / Trim Text By Sentence in JavaScript (not word or character)

Many times for showing a preview of longer text, I prefer not just to show a certain amount of characters (although it looks better visually) but to break it via sentence. Below is a small JavaScript function (I use it in NodeJs a bunch) that I’ve used to do this. No, it’s not the most complicated thing ever, but I wanted to share in case it helps anyone.

String.prototype.truncateBySent = function(sentCount = 3, moreText = "") {
  //match ".","!","?" - english ending sentence punctuation
  var sentences = this.match(/[^\.!\?]+[\.!\?]+/g);
  if (sentences) {
    if (sentences.length >= sentCount && sentences.length > sentCount) {
      //has enough sentences
      return sentences.slice(0, sentCount).join(" ") + moreText;
  //return full text if nothing else
  return this;

Easy to use, just do something like this:


Sometimes you also want to include something at the end to indicate there is more text, like a link or ellipsis. You can do this:

someText.truncateBySent(2,' <a href="#">View More</a>');

It will take a line of text like this:

Sample sentence one? Another sentence two. Another three. Is there four? What about five? And six! Finally seven.

And return this:

Sample sentence one? Another sentence two. View More

See a working sample here:

Or grab it on GitHub:

How to Truncate / Trim Text By Sentence in JavaScript (not word or character)

Google Chrome – Getting Entire List of Twitter Followers

The Bad:

Warning: this is an unofficial, non-Twitter approved way to easily gett a list of your Twitter followers.

The Good:

This is a really easy, can’t hurt anything method. Using just Google Chrome Developer Tools (part of the browser). But hey, if Twitter sends you a nasty letter, please don’t blame me.

The Scenario:

As of today, Twitter only shows about 18 of your followers at once. As you scroll down on your page, it loads another 18, so on and so on. If you have thousands of followers, getting to your first followers is kind of a pain, and would take forever. The below few chunks of javascript basically scroll the page to the end, and allow you to see the entire list.

Step 1. Open dev tools by hitting F12.

Step 2. Click the Console tab (maybe between Elements and Sources).

Step 3. Visit your followers page (ie:

Step 4. Paste the below code into the Console (next to the “>”):

for (i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {

    setTimeout(function() {

        if ($(".has-more-items")[0]) {
            window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);

        } else {

    }, i * 1000);


Step 5. When it finished at and the bottom of your page, run the below to get a list of your followers copied to the clipboard:

var r = '';
$( ".ProfileCard-screenname .u-linkComplex-target" ).each(function( index ) {
r = r + $(this).text() +  "\n";



Do the above Step 4 on your “following” page, and then run the below to show people you’re following, but don’t follow you:

$( ".u-size1of2:has(.FollowStatus)" ).hide();
Google Chrome – Getting Entire List of Twitter Followers

Renaming a local file in Cordova / PhoneGap

A few folks have asked “how do I simply rename a local file in Cordova?” Well, to start, you’ll need the file plugin from Apache Cordova. If you don’t already have this, run the below to add the file plugin.

cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.core.file

Then, you can use the “moveTo” function to rename the file. Below is a reusable function I utilize to pass the current file name, directory, the new file name and a function that happens when the rename is successful.

You can utilize the below function like:

//to call the function. 'renameSuccess' is an function that is used as the success event if the rename is okay
renameFile('somefile.xml','myapp/xml/','new.xml', renameSuccess);

//the function
function renameFile(currentName, currentDir, newName, successFunction) {

    window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function (fileSystem) {

        fileSystem.root.getFile(currentDir + currentName, null, function (fileEntry) {
            fileSystem.root.getDirectory(currentDir, {create: true}, function (dirEntry) {
                parentEntry = new DirectoryEntry(currentName, currentDir + currentName);

                fileEntry.moveTo(dirEntry, newName, function () {


                }, renameFail);
            }, renameFail);
        }, renameFail);

    }, renameFail);

//and the sample success function
function renameSuccess() {

//and the sample fail function
function renameFail() {

I’m not saying this is the ‘best’ way to do this, so feel free to comment on improvements!

Renaming a local file in Cordova / PhoneGap