Microsoft’s Social “” – Not off to a good start!

Being a historic Microsoft fan, I have long waited for the day when Microsoft releases a social network. However, currently, there is an error just getting on the list for

Microsoft error

“Error binding ‘function(){}’ view. The view named ‘Anonymous’ does not derive from the ViewBase class.

And yes, this is in IE9.

But I still have hope and I’m eager to see the network when it’s finished!

Microsoft’s Social “” – Not off to a good start!

Corona Cider – Corona IDE

Just a heads up, if you’re running 64 bit Windows and only have the 64 bit java sdk installed, you’ll get an error when running the IDE. To cure, download the 32 bit version of the java sdk (1.6) and install. Seems good now!

Java download:

Corona Cider IDE:


More Cider info to follow shortly!

Corona Cider – Corona IDE