c# DataTable Copy / Filter / Sort & Clone

datatableIf you’re like me (I hope not too much like me) you probably find yourself using DataTables to hold lots of data for fast, flexible in memory usage. I get asked often, “how can I copy a DataTable?” or even more often, “how can I copy a DataTable, but change the sort or modify the rows”. Look no further. Below you’ll find my thoughts:


Example one (a simple copy with a sort difference):

    var table = new DataTable();

    //get some data
    using (var conn = new SqlConnection(yourSqlConn))
            var comm = new SqlCommand(@"select * from someTable order by someColumn", conn);
            comm.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            var data = comm.ExecuteReader();

    //bind to some control (repeater)
    rptFirstList.DataSource = table;

    //second table
    var secondTable = new DataTable();
    secondTable = table.Copy();
    secondTable.DefaultView.Sort = "someOtherColumn";

    //bind second
    rptSecondList.DataSource = secondTable;

Example two (creating a copy of the table but allowing a filter, sort or other criteria):

    var table = new DataTable();

    //get some data
    using (var conn = new SqlConnection(yourSqlConn))
            var comm = new SqlCommand(@"select * from someTable order by someColumn", conn);
            comm.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            var data = comm.ExecuteReader();

    //bind to some control (repeater)
    rptFirstList.DataSource = table;

    //second table
    var secondTable = new DataTable();

    //clone to get columns - NO data is copied
    secondTable = table.Clone();
    //loop through rows and import based on filter
    foreach (DataRow dr in table.Select("someColumn = 'value'","someColumnToSort")) {



    //bind second
    rptSecondList.DataSource = secondTable;
c# DataTable Copy / Filter / Sort & Clone

Windows Drive Compression – Reducing Image Size of VMWare Workstation Virtual Machines

If you’re like me, I’m sure you have more than one virtual machine setup and running Windows (in my case, 4 VM’s running Windows Server 2008 R2 – on a laptop [yes an older laptop]). As you already know, Windows Server 2008, besides being AWESOME, is also DISK HOG. Sure, you could install only the Core, but that’s no fun!

One solution to reduce the amount of disk space is the use the Windows drive compression for large files and directories. Of course this takes a small performance hit (in my case, about 10% probably, but it’s for development anyhow) – (read the Microsoft best practices for compression), but you’ll be able to regain space, and better utilize your VM’s!

I compressed some major folders, and was able to regain a few gigs!

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Windows Drive Compression – Reducing Image Size of VMWare Workstation Virtual Machines

Parsing Html content using Html Agility Pack, Cookies & Proxy

stockpriceIf you’ve ever needed to parse (screen scrape?) some remote html, you may have wanted to pull info from a page that only renders content to a browser. The below example shows how to grab some content from a web page (using a web request) but also incorporates using cookies and a proxy to help and the Html Agility Pack to parse the returned html (allowing you to get a specific element):

Imports System.Net
Imports System.Web

Public Class Form1

    Public cookies As New CookieContainer

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        'create a web request
        Dim wreq As HttpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create("http://www.reuters.com/finance/stocks/overview?symbol=AMZN.OQ")

        'set the agent to mimic a recent browser
        wreq.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5"

        'how you're getting the page
        wreq.Method = "get"

        'create a proxy
        Dim prox As IWebProxy = wreq.Proxy

        'set the proxy cred
        prox.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials

        'create the html doc & web
        Dim document As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
        Dim web As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlWeb

        'needs to use cookies
        web.UseCookies = True

        'set the cookie request
        wreq.CookieContainer = cookies

        'start a response
        Dim res As HttpWebResponse = wreq.GetResponse()

        'get a stream from the response
        document.Load(res.GetResponseStream, True)

        'get some data from the page. 
        'in the below example, i'm looling for a div with the class 'sectionQuoteDetail' and getting the content of the second span inside
        Dim strCurrentQuote = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='sectionQuoteDetail']//span[2]")


    End Sub

End Class

As a side note, the use of the proxy code above also solves the frequent HttpWebRequest WebException “The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required” error.

Parsing Html content using Html Agility Pack, Cookies & Proxy

Creating a .dll library for use in vbscript (.vbs) using Visual Studio

dllSo for some reason you have the need to use vbscript (maybe a .vbs file, Excel script, etc) but like many others before you, you have run into a limitation of vbscript. I’m not going to discuss the reasons why / why not to use vbscript, I am already assuming you have a good reason. Onto the example. In this case, we are “fixing” the limitation of vbscript to not handle larger numbers well. We are going to extend our vbscript by creating a .dll library in Visual Studio that allows us to pass and return data in the format we need, in the example case, to round a large decimal number. Continue reading “Creating a .dll library for use in vbscript (.vbs) using Visual Studio”

Creating a .dll library for use in vbscript (.vbs) using Visual Studio

Downloading a remote file with vb.net / c# using WebClient

Can you believe it’s 2013 already? Me either. Anyhow, just wanted to provide a simple solution for a very popularly asked question: “how can I download a remote file?.” Well, below is a basic method using the WebClient class. It’s pretty cut and dry, just pass a remote file (ie: http://www.chrisbitting.com/image.jpg) and a local file (c:\temp\file.jpg) and it downloads. If you’re interested how to do this with cookies enabled for authentication, let me know!


Private Sub dloadhttpFile(fileToDownload As String, localFile As String)
        'fileToDownload = http://www.chrisbitting.com/image.jpg
        'localFile = c:\files\someimage.jpg

            'create an instance of WebClient - the heart of downloading a file
            Dim fileReader As New WebClient()

            'check if the file already exists locally
            If Not (System.IO.File.Exists(localFile)) Then
                fileReader.DownloadFile(fileToDownload, localFile)
            End If
        Catch ex As HttpListenerException
            Console.WriteLine(("Error Downloading: " & fileToDownload & " - ") + ex.Message)
        Catch ex As Exception
            Console.WriteLine(("Error Downloading: " & fileToDownload & " - ") + ex.Message)
        End Try
    End Sub


   private void dloadhttpFile(string fileToDownload, string localFile)
             //fileToDownload = http://www.chrisbitting.com/image.jpg
             //localFile = c:\files\someimage.jpg

                //create an instance of WebClient - the heart of downloading a file
                WebClient fileReader = new WebClient();

                //check if the file already exists locally
                if (!(System.IO.File.Exists(localFile)))
                    fileReader.DownloadFile(fileToDownload, localFile);
            catch (HttpListenerException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error Downloading: " + fileToDownload + " - " + ex.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error Downloading: " + fileToDownload + " - " + ex.Message);
Downloading a remote file with vb.net / c# using WebClient