Angular Pipe (or just Javascript) to Convert 24 Time to 12 Hour Format

I’m storing time in my database as 24 hour format (ie: “13:00” [1:00 PM]) because it’s easy and has a bunch of advantages. But on the front-end, in Angular, I want to show these as a 12 hour format. One way to do this is with a Pipe that will allow you to transform the time to 12 hour. Before creating the below I looking for something existing, but didn’t find anything that seemed to fit and work well, so below is what I use.

This is the function in the pipe (can be used in Javascript for those w/o Angular): (try in jsfiddle)

var time24To12 = function(a) {
    //below date doesn't matter.
    return (new Date("1955-11-05T" + a + "Z")).toLocaleTimeString("bestfit", {
        timeZone: "UTC",
        hour12: !0,
        hour: "numeric",
        minute: "numeric"

When called and passed a time, like:


It will return the 12 hour version:

1:00 PM

Okay, so how to add a new Pipe and use it in Angular?

  1. Create a new file “time24to12.pipe.ts
  2. File contents should be the below:
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

@Pipe({ name: 'time24to12Transform' })
export class Time24to12Format implements PipeTransform {
  transform(time: any): any {
 var time24To12 = function(a) {
    //below date doesn't matter.
    return (new Date("1955-11-05T" + a + "Z")).toLocaleTimeString("bestfit", {
        timeZone: "UTC",
        hour12: !0,
        hour: "numeric",
        minute: "numeric"

    return time24To12(time); 

3. Make sure in your app.module.ts you import this file:

import { Time24to12Format } from './time24to12.pipe';

…and also add it to the declarations section:

  declarations: [

4. Now you can use it in views, like below:

{{yourobject.time | convertFrom24To12Format}}

Hope this helps someone. No, this code doesn’t check beforehand for correct time input formatting or perform many other things it should, it just trusts you.

Angular Pipe (or just Javascript) to Convert 24 Time to 12 Hour Format